# A Letter from your DM
Disclaimer: I don't have proofreaders nor enough time to reread anything I write too many times. There will be typos, grammatical errors, and generally incorrect or nonsensical things in here. I apologize in advance. Feel free to let me know if you find any.
# Getting Started
First things first, getting around the table and having a proper **session 0**. While we figure that out in the discord though, below you'll find links to a couple resources to look over.
## [[Setting]]
## [[Creating Characters]]
## [[House Rules]]
# What next?
If you've got a character prepped and ready to go, all that's left is to wait for everyone else to catch up. If everyone is ready then we can begin with our solo sessions. I'll keep everyone updated, about the where we're at, in the discord.
Just keep your eyes and ears open, we will begin soon.
# Quick Reference
### [[Classes]]
### [[Lineages]]
### [[Setting]]
### [[House Rules]]